Message of the diving bird160 ✕ 120 – Oil pastel on canvas2023
Hear Flower say yes160 ✕ 120 – oil pastel on canvas2023
rootless plant160 ✕ 120 – oil pastel on canvas2022
Everything high160 ✕ 120 – oilpastel on canvas2021
the strayed walker160 ✕ 120 – oil stick on canvas2019
running from 'to strengthen themselves’ - revised160 ✕ 120 – oil stick on canvas2018
lurking bird of prey,160 ✕ 210 – oil stick on canvas2018
running from 'to strengthen themselves I160 ✕ 120 – oil stick on canvas2018
running from 'to strengthen themselves II160 ✕ 120 – oil stick on canvas2018
running from 'to strengthen themselves III160 ✕ 120 – oil stick on canvas2018
running from 'to strengthen themselves IV160 ✕ 120 – oil stick on canvas2018
running from 'to strengthen themselves V160 ✕ 120 – oil stick on canvas2018